Exception result - if statement to check Exception result and stop flow


I want to know, how can i use Try/catch Exception (result) into IF statement and stop the flow…

Right now when I get an exception in try/catch - catch … it show the error and then its continue to next step and do not know how can i stop the flow…
can someone help…
thanks in advance


You can use Throw activity in Catch, This will stop the workflow

Mark as solution if this helps


Can’t I use IF statement to shoose different ways…
As i need to write ErrorCode and Error Status also.


You can use, but you have to check the possible errors and in IF you have to check

Also if you can give the specific exception you expect then create that exactly and in catches you can select the execption type and place your throw with message

In Try:

In Catch:

Hope this helps you


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Thanks I act did not got it…it goes on wrong transition every time :frowning: