Exception: rename folder

나는 폴더의 이름을 변경. 하지만 액티비티에서 오류가 발생. 오류 내용은 아래와 같다.


소스: DKS_Framework

메시지: 작업실패 : 폴더 이름 변경 예외 at Source: Rename Folder: UiPath.System.Activities

예외 형식: System.Exception

System.Exception: 작업실패 : 폴더 이름 변경 예외 at Source: Rename Folder: UiPath.System.Activities at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)


rename folder activities :
folder_path : “Z:\상점\주문_테스트\Output\2024\08\13”
new_name : now.toString(“dd일HH시”)+“backup”

무엇이 문제인지 모르겠다.
도움을 바란다.

Hie @gwanghyun.lee as per my checking you new name not creating any issues i have checked that format in my folder name structure
your new folder name
and here’s the the output name
check your location folder has it correctly mentioned by you or is there any syntax missing try to open the folder location by copying the path and checked in your machine and try to debug the process and check with the logs
cheers Happy Automation

will result to:

Maybe you are more interested on a folder name like:

Before renaming the folder, you may check if the folder is existing:

Or by statement

고마워 Peter. 경로를 확인해보아도 문제는 없었어.


고마워. singh.

Assign 액티비티를 사용해서 변수로 선언을 해도 똑같은 오류가 출력돼.

권한 문제인가 싶어서 create folder 액티비티를 사용해봤지만 문제는 없었어.


고마워! @singh_sumit

덕분에 해결했어!!! :smile:


Hie @gwanghyun.lee glad to know that it worked … Marked this solution so it helpful for other to if the stuck as the same problem
cheers Happy Automation :smile: