I am working on project where I have created this flow chart and I have used only sequence not invoke anything. I created all global variable here hence I can access anywhere.
Query is-
If any exception occurs in Processing, I don’t want to stop bot. It will login again and do the same process.
Where to place outlook activity once bot finished.
Any exception in any sequence then kill browser and login.
Can anyone suggest me what and where I need to implement hence my bot will work fine.
Put this workflow logic in try catch. In catch assign the exception to a variable and after catch add Flow decision activity with this condition exceptionvariable isnot nothing to flow to login if any exception else continue flow to Save in Excel
Depends on the state of the flow where you will have data to confirm if there is no further data to process. For example, if Click Dashboard logic will check if anything to process remaining or not you can place email sending logic here or create another sequence for this.
Add kill browser logic in Login so whenever your control will flow to Login it will kill the browser and login.