
Hi all,

I have a doubt, I have an excel in Column13 I have dates I need to do filtration I need to filter the date i provide and future dates.
Example- if I give date as 08-03-2024 bot should consider that date and future dates.

How to give this logic in filter data table.

Can you please help me. Thanks in advance

Step 1: Read Excel File

  • Use the “Read Range” activity to read the Excel file and store the data in a DataTable.

Step 2: Filter DataTable

  • Add the “Filter DataTable” activity to your workflow.

Step 3: Configure Filter DataTable

  • In the “DataTable” property, select the DataTable variable that you read from the Excel file.
  • In the “Filter Wizard,” set the condition for the date column. Use the expression: "[Column13] >= #" + yourProvidedDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "#"

check the thread

I am not getting expected output

Can anyone help me please

hey @0bb4628e217fd43ac86ac9294
you can try use linq:
filteredDataTable = originalDataTable.Clone()

filteredDataTable = originalDataTable.AsEnumerable().
    Where(Function(row) Not IsDBNull(row("Column13")) AndAlso
        DateTime.Parse(row("Column13").ToString()) >= yourDate).

@pikorpa this is also not working

Hi @0bb4628e217fd43ac86ac9294

Can you try the below

DT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) DateTime.ParseExact(row("Dates").ToString(), "dd-MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) >= DateTime.ParseExact("08-03-2024","dd-MM-yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).CopyToDataTable()



I am getting this error