Need to filter out date column in excel file

Hi team,

I am unable to upload excel file here so i giving you data here itself



In the input SP_Date column contains “MM/dd/yyyy” bot has to filter date less than 7 days data compare to todays date and remove those dates in this range.

The output should be last 4 rows which are greater than 7 days and bot should delete first 2 rows
This is my concern please help me

Thanks In Advance.

Hi @Fab_Bucket

Try this:

Assign activity:
currentDate= DateTime.Today      
Assign activity:
OutputDataTable = (From row In dtData.AsEnumerable()
                Let spDate = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Field(Of String)("SP_Date"), "M/d/yyyy", Nothing)
                Let dateDifference = (currentDate - spDate).Days
                Where dateDifference <= -7 Or dateDifference >= 7
                Select row).CopyToDataTable()

Note: DataType of currentDate is System.DateTime and DataType of OutputDataTable is System.Data.DataTable.

Hope it helps!!

Read Range -dtInput

currentDate = DateTime.Now
dateThreshold = currentDate.AddDays(-7)

Use LINQ Query:

From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable()
Let dateValue = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Field(Of String)("SP_Date"), "M/d/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Where dateValue >= dateThreshold
Select row


Hi @Fab_Bucket

Check out below workflow for better understanding. I have use Build Data Table , instead of that you can use Read Range Workbook and store it in an datatable and follow the below process.

Sequence2.xaml (10.3 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Thanks for code.

I am facing issue at

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Fab_Bucket

Check out the workflow file that I have provided make changes according to that. Or else send the workflow file I will make the required changes.



For build data table code is working but i want to read from excel sheet
To read data from excel sheet we are using Read range workbookactivity I am getting error as.

can you please keep Read range workbook activity behalf of Build data table.
I am unable to upload my Xaml can you please make changes and update me

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Fab_Bucket

Check out this workflow file.
Sequence2.xaml (8.4 KB)

Input.xlsx (8.6 KB)
Sheet1 is your Input and Sheet2 is your Output. According toyour code please do check the Preserve Format Option in the properties of Read Range Workbook. It will work fine.

Hope it helps!!

Hi ,

Can i get this same result filter by using filter data table activity?

In the input SP_Date column contains “MM/dd/yyyy” bot has to filter date less than 7 days data compare to todays date and remove those dates in this range.

The output should be last 4 rows which are greater than 7 days and bot should delete first 2 rows

Thanks in Advance

If it’s less than 7 days, it should be returning rows 4, 5 only right?


filter data table should remove last 7 days data compare to todays date.

Below dates we have to remove because this are less than 7 days compare to todays date.

we are having MM/dd/yyyy format


I need to get this output in excel.
This are greater than 7 days compare to todays date



Try this:
