

could someone tell us about the correct way to convert SCV file to the excel file ?
i have used CSV To Excel activity and still no good result…

thank you,

Hello @Z_AL

When using read CSV Activity, use the same delimiter while reading CSV file. Other wise all data will come in one column. Than use Write Range Activity to write your data…

Let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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idk What should i select from delimiter?

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Open your CSV file with a text editor, like Note Pad… Than check what’s used to seperate the data…

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thank you Mohssine,

What does this error mean?

and still the format after the converted not so good ldk why

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This means that your datatable is empt…

When your read your CSV, store it on a datatable variable than use the same datable variable on write range…

Let me know how it goes…

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