Excel writing data

Hello all
I have on Excel having rows
ACC no name due_dt

  1.        Xyz.   18-08-2023
  2.       Abc     Na 
  3.       Pqr.    18/08/2023

I want to write like
ACC no name due_dt

  1.        Xyz.   18-08-2023
  2.       Abc     Na 
  3.       Pqr.    18-08-2023

Please help ! how to resolve issue

Hi @Rohan_Dhole

Both the inputs having same values with same columns

Can you explain more about want you want

Hi @Rohan_Dhole ,
Please check again your input and expect output
they are similar
only format at row 3
(dd/MM/yyyy) and (dd-MM-yyyy)


Use read range to read the excel data
dateString (String)= row(“due_dt”).ToString.Trim
If activity:
Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dateString)
formattedDate (String)= DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, {“dd-MM-yyyy”, “dd/MM/yyyy”}, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”)

Write Range