Excel Sheet having two datas

Here is an excel having two school data in a single sheet. But i want to extract this data separately. The problem is that it should be dynamic we cant expect in which row data should be updated. I need this in linq query

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Hi @ajnaraya ,
I have same process with your topic
My solution is read all then split by key word
first you read all file to get data table,
then check index by 'School" to get each data

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Check this out


Hi @ajnaraya

Have you trie with Look up Rnage activity → Lookup the Name as column header

Get the index of the name and pass that index in the Read range activity


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  1. Read all the data into Datatable
  2. Then get the rowindex of Name and then use that row index to split the data as you need

dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x,i) If(x(0).ToString.Equals("Name"),i,-1)).Where(function(x) x>0).ToArray()

Thsi will give you the index of all the name rows…as array use it to split the data as needed


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