Here is one idea:
Using an Excel Scope use a WorkbookApplication type variable as the output parameter, which will allow you to look at every sheet name in the file. Then, you can perform an Alt-key combination to rename each sheet.
Let’s use “wb” for Workbook and sheetNames for list of sheet names…for the psuedocode below.
Assign sheetNames as Array = { "IPS","IMS","ISP","EMI","LSE","SEO" }
Excel Scope (with wb being output variable)
For each sheet In wb.GetSheets
If sheet<>sheetNames(Array.IndexOf(wb.GetSheets.ToArray,sheet)).ToString
Select Range => A1 ... sheet
TypeInto "[k(alt)]hor"+sheetNames(Array.IndexOf(wb.GetSheets.ToArray,sheet)).ToString+"[k(enter)]"
The pseudocode loops through each sheet in wb, selects the sheet, then performs Type Into to do rename sheet from Format menu option using the Index of the sheet for the index of the sheetNames array -EDIT: only if the sheet isn’t already the correct name (shown by the If statement).
I hope this helps.