Excel remove filter data table

hai everyone,
I need to filter data table in excel sheet i want to remove the data in excel sheet
i need to remove (Upload to ax, start production ax, Planning ax)
i tried many ways but not used at all i shared my workflow here please anyone update this.demo.zip (48.2 KB)

I need to remove that one in that image I need only a upload quatation please any one help me and update this.

Thank you

Hi please make changes as below and check

demo12.zip (48.8 KB)
I have made changes pls try

Hi @siva_sankar

By also using Filter DataTable Activity you can select data for value “Upload Quotation” by using Linq as below. It will only give Data of “Upload Quotation” and write into Excel.

(From d In dt.asenumerable Where d(2).ToString.Equals(" Upload Quotation")).CopyToDataTable


Below is the workflow for the same :-
Foreach Seq.xaml (8.6 KB)
demo part.xlsx (11.0 KB)

Output :-

Mark as solution and like it if this helps you :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

I run the code showing this error.

Hi @siva_sankar

  1. Close the Excel if it is Open.
  2. Again Assign the path of your File “demo part.xlsx” in Read Range Activity and Write Range Activity

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

now its fine

thank you very much

Hi @siva_sankar

You are welcome :blush:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

yeah this is working fine

Thank you so much

Pls mark it as solution and close the topic :blush:

Happy Automation!

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