what is the syntax for Field:
Thx and KR,
Hi @VanjaV
In the field “NameofYourColumn”
You just have to mention in double quotes name of the column.
Hope this helps
Hi @VanjaV
You have to mention the range in source.
Excel.Sheet(“Tabelle1”).Range(“C6:N100”) like this so that all the column names will appear. You can click on plus symbol to configure it, it will give you options.
Hope this helps:)
Hey @VanjaV take a look in your Create pivot Activity you select the range “C6” and your column is in “N” so you have to increase your range.
Hey @AJ_Ask yes this could be the method but suppose if after N100 in the near future the data is got updated in 101 than it colud be a problem so @VanjaV make it more dynamic ,
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