Excel Pivot Table - Syntax for Field


what is the syntax for Field:

Thx and KR,

Hi @VanjaV

In the field “NameofYourColumn”

You just have to mention in double quotes name of the column.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hi @VanjaV

You have to mention the range in source.
Excel.Sheet(“Tabelle1”).Range(“C6:N100”) like this so that all the column names will appear. You can click on plus symbol to configure it, it will give you options.

Hope this helps:)

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Hey @VanjaV take a look in your Create pivot Activity you select the range “C6” and your column is in “N” so you have to increase your range.

you select C6 thats why bot could not find the Column12 which is in N column


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Hey @AJ_Ask yes this could be the method but suppose if after N100 in the near future the data is got updated in 101 than it colud be a problem so @VanjaV make it more dynamic ,



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