Excel Manipulation Vlookup

I have data in below format.

I need to filter it out in below format.

Logic → I have 2 columns (Class & School ) , i want class count in each school in above attached format.
Exp: “Fifth” class count is 3 in “Tagore SE” school & 1 in “IVN SR SEC”
“First” Class count is 1 in “European Kids” & 2 in “KVM SCE SCH”

@ankush.jeengar - Give this workflow a try and see if it fits your need:
Pivot.zip (10,7 KB)

After extracting the Range, collected all unique values in Class and School columns with:

dtSource.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "Class")
dtSource.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "School")

Built a DataTable and added each of the collected Columns:

Then added Rows (Classes) with corresponding count achieved by:

dtSource.Select("Class ='" + CurrentRow("Class").ToString + "' AND School='" + CurrentColumn("School").ToString + "'").Length.ToString

Hope this helps!

I have used Pivot Table activity.
Thanks @argin.lerit

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