Excel Execute Macro

Hi everyone , is it possible to execute this macro (select button) and pass the name of a country as a parameter, if not how can i automate these operation

Hi @hamza_sanssi

Without having access to the Excel, I am not sure if the button has a proper selector. However, you could probably try to run the underlying macro directly on the file.

Alternatively, you could use most likely use shortcuts to navigate to the button and then through the menus.

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thanx @loginerror here is the excel file

I was able to find selectors by using the UiAutomation framework in UiExplorer:

This should already solve the issue :slight_smile:

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can u please ulpoad the main.xaml for me to get inspired , i face a big problem with selectors

Sure, see below:
ExcelSelector.zip (2.0 MB)

It attaches to the open Excel window.


does it work fine for ? cuz for me it doesn’t it still can’t find the element.

Do you have your Excel file open when running the workflow?

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