if Table A has mis match Zmasak values by matching OPH i need output mention below SC
Use the below code in Invoke Code:
' Create a new DataTable with the desired output structure
result = New DataTable
result.Columns.Add("PRFNR", GetType(String))
result.Columns.Add("BUDAT", GetType(DateTime))
result.Columns.Add("OPH", GetType(String))
result.Columns.Add("ZMASAK", GetType(Integer))
result.Columns.Add("ZMASAK1", GetType(Integer))
' Merge the two DataTables based on the "PRFNR" and "OPH" columns
For Each row1 In dt1.AsEnumerable()
For Each row2 In dt2.AsEnumerable()
If row1.Field(Of String)("PRFNR") = row2.Field(Of String)("PRFNR") AndAlso
row1.Field(Of String)("OPH") = row2.Field(Of String)("OPH") AndAlso
row1.Field(Of Double)("ZMASAK") <> row2.Field(Of Double)("ZMASAK") Then
result.Rows.Add(row1.Field(Of String)("PRFNR"),
row1.Field(Of DateTime)("BUDAT"),
row1.Field(Of String)("OPH"),
row1.Field(Of Double)("ZMASAK"),
row2.Field(Of Double)("ZMASAK"))
End If
Invoked Arguments:
Check the below Input and Output:
Forum Input.xlsx (10.4 KB)
Sequence6.xaml (10.3 KB)
I’ll suggest you to go ahead with performing a Join DataTable operation on OPH column.
and then filter data table, compare zmasak to zmasak_1 and keep rows where zmasak != zmasak_1
and remove columns using filter data table PRFNR_1.
Happy Automation
for Validating 4 lakh Rows it takes to much time
Table A - 4 Lakh
Table B - 4 Lakh