Excel cell formula query

It also written the formula.

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Both files are Opened?


Yes, it will show the formula in formula bar, but the value in the excel cells bro @balkishan. Try pasting the manual formula you have and check if it works, or giving full path of the files in the formula.

Can you post the formula you have ?


No, I just given the path that mentioned in the formula.

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Just copy the status from the excel two to the third file, the logic won’t work as in intended!!!

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Yeah …That is the Way to do… It work right now?


can you correct if share you the xaml file. I didn’t get

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sorry bro, didn’t get you.

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is it possible to send sample workfow.

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Do this, create a double for loop and compare each value → store it in a variable
then publish it in the new excel

Easy and will work :slight_smile:

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I already created the double loop to read these excel files and using Read Range store the value in dt1 and dt2 data type variable.

Now I want to compare A3 for Test1 with A3 for Test2 files and want to write the status in another Status excel.
can you please suggest further bro.

A bit of query, don’t do excel mapping logic mapping… That needs to be assigned once you are looping and reading!!!
Now once you get the value use to to add data row!!!

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is it possible to share a sample

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@Palaniyappan can you please see this issue.


Lets take it in a simple way
–like instead of using formula we can do it very easily with a normal if condition and write cell that would take the same level of performance as this formula does
–so the steps involved are as follows
–use a excel application scope and pass the file path as input
–use read range activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named outdt
–now use a for each row loop and pass the above variable
–inside the loop use a if condition like this
if this is true it will go to THEN part where we can use a simple WRITE CELL activity from workbook activities where mention the file path of the another excel file and input value as “Matched” and in the cell mention as “A”+(outdt.Rows.IndexOf(row)+2).ToString

simple isn’t it
Cheers @balkishan


These stpes I have to for the Output file or rest Two files which I am reading the cell data.

see bro I have these three files.

Test1 & Test2 from where I am reading the cell value compare it and write into the Update_Status file.


Bro If I read these two Test1 and Test2 files and store the data in dt1 and dt2 variable.

Then comparing and update into Update_Status



That is also a way to do that @balkishan

row1(“column name”).tostring = row2(“column name”).tostring


yah exactly
in that case we need two excel application scope and need to use two read range and then compare those two datatable variable
–the steps involved are as follows
–hope we have now two datatable variables
–now use a for each row loop and change the row variable as row1. pass dt1 as input
and inside that use another for each row loop and change the variable as row2 and pass dt2 as input
–now in the inner for each row loop use a if condition like this
if true it will go to THEN part where we can use a write cell from workbook and same steps as this

–but make sure that we use a BREAK activity in the THEN part next to this write cell to avoid looping again and again

Cheers @balkishan


I agree this will be the best way to check the boolean condition and getting it correct or wrong!!!

doing this will need to have the name that needs to compared same!!!

Hope this helps @balkishan