Excel Application Scope - Error

Hi Gianfranco_Drago,

Read this from UiPath (there are may posts like yours):

And this from Microsoft

Some times i have the same issue and i go to task manager and kill the excel.

and you can run your robots 3days, 3 moths, 3 years with no error like that
you can run your robots 3days, 3 moths, 3 years and the error can come again.

This can hapen becouse of excel file have more than 25m, becouse you have t many excel files open, your computer cache is full, bad colse of excel file …

when apens go to your task manager and see or try to close UiPath and see in task manager if any excel file is open close it and run robot again problem resolver

Thats what i now from what i read from UiPath forum and microsoft