Error with Tesseract OCR: InvalidInputLanguage for Dutch (nl.traineddata)

Hey there,

I am trying to use Tesseract OCR in UiPath to read a PDF document in Dutch. I followed the recommended steps to add support for the Dutch language by placing the nl.traineddata file in the C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\tessdata folder. However, I am still encountering the following error:

Read PDF With OCR: Error performing OCR: InvalidInputLanguage

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. I downloaded nl.traineddata for Tesseract OCR.
  2. Placed the nl.traineddata file in both the ‘C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\tessdata’ as the UiPath\Vision folder ( but not entirely sure if this is the correct location).
  3. In UiPath, I configured the Tesseract OCR engine and set the Language property to nl.

Has anyone successfully used Tesseract OCR with other languages in UiPath, and if so, could you share the correct steps to configure it?

Thank you :slight_smile:




The following post may help you.

If you are using Enterprise edition, it’s necessary to put it in similar folder under program files.


Hey @Yoichi!

I have done both steps, for legacy as normal and did a restart but still getting the invalid language error! ;(

Language set to “nld.traineddata”

tessdata\nld.traineddata file is now present in:
C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\net461\tessdata\nld.traineddata
C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\tessdata\nld.traineddata


Can you try to set just "nld" ?


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