
Hi there, i have a trained tesseract “ara.traineddata” but when i implement it in the ocr properties as “ara” it shows me this error

Source: Tesseract OCR
Message: Error performing OCR: InvalidInputLanguage
Exception Type: System.Exception
Error performing OCR: InvalidInputLanguage

Hi @Hisham_Alshareef

Check out this thread


@Gokul001 I have a file of trained ocr using tesseract and the file is ara.traineddata , how to implement in OCR in UiPath

Can you tell us more information ara.traineddata file. and some screenshot? @Hisham_Alshareef


Do you use CommunityEdition? If so, can you try the following step?

Windows project

First, create folder tessdata under c:\Users[AccountName]\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio if it doesn’t exist.

Then put ara.traineddata file to the tessdata folder.

Finally, restart your Studio.

Windows Legacy project

First, create folder tessdata under c:\Users[AccountName]\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\net461 if it doesn’t exist.

Then put ara.traineddata file to the tessdata folder.

Finally, restart your Studio.


Thanks @Yoichi , it works

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