Hello @Jom4ick,
Indeed, the issue you are facing is due to the fact that the FlexiCapture engine is installed on x64. Please try uninstalling it and reinstalling it on x86.
I also recommend using the new approach - use the IntelligentOCR package, use the Data Extraction Scope activity, and the FlexiCapture Extractor inside (instead of the FlexiCapture Scope and Process Document). Please have a look at this sample workflow (no FlexiCapture, but this is how it is used): How to use the IntelligentOCR Package . Also please don’t forget to enter “Configure Extractors” to have it work. The older version of the IntelligentOCR demo here How to use Intelligent OCR activities guide and example - #2 by Ioana_Gligan also contains the FlexiCapture Extractor configured with a sample fcdot and a couple documents.