Error when trying to Read PDF using UiPath Document OCR

Hi. I’m trying to read a scanned PDF and have a simply process that only has “Read PDF with OCR” which has the UiPath Document OCR engine. I have going into Orchestrator and copied the Computer Vision API Key from Admin / Licences / Robots & Services and added that to the ApiKey property. I have also copied the Public Endpoint for Australia from the DU documentation as follows:

When I run the process I get the following error:

Read PDF With OCR: Error performing OCR: Invalid API key specified UiPathOCRInvalidApiKey

Any ideas what I’m missing?



instead the CV api key try to use DU api key:


@pikorpa I don’t have DU showing in my Licence section. Is this something I need to get enabled in Orchestrator by my UiPath Rep?

Ok. So, use the API key for AI Units:

Don’t have AI Units either. Might need to talk to my Rep.

Do you have the enterprise version?

Yes we have Enterprise version with licenced bots both Attended and Unattended.

So, maybe you need to add document understanding service:

AI Center and DU are both showing as services, just not the API Keys.

Hi ,

Please see this document for, How to get API Keys.
