Error when extracting System1 items from the Assignment 1 of the Advanced Academy

Hey @PrankurJoshi I already removed 3 activities from the SetTransactionStatus.xaml as mentioned in PDD walk-through. Here is it looks like. Please correct me if I did anything wrong.

in_TransactionItem in Process.xaml and in Argument for SetTransactionStatus.xaml should be of DataType DataRow

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Hey @PrankurJoshi, Thank you very much for catching my mistake. I updated in_TransactionItem Argument type to DataRow in SetTransactionStatus.xaml and after which I am not getting below error message.


Also I disabled logging LogMessage_GetTransationData but after which Main workflow is keep logging and opening System1 URL and SHA1Online URL and not running process workflow. Do you know what could be the issue? If you want I can send you my project.

Log message at the start and end of every workflow and see in the output pane that where your workflow is breaking

I tried logging messages at the start and end of every workflow and found that it is stacking in business rule exception but does not throwing any error message so it is hard to figure out what going wrong, so what to do now? Please help.

Also I just found I did not written the process to mark every item completed because I am confused in which workflow I need to do For-Each loop to process all items so the system should open each item from the WIList and make it a complete. For below workflow. Can you also help me here?

Thank You,

There is no for each or any other loop RE Framework process one item at a time, and then increase the TransactionNumber.

Also I would suggest you to refer Calculate_Client_Security_Hash_Walkthrough PDF instead of PDD file.

They have described everything in detail in walkthrough file, PDF files has high level description only

Yes I understood it later… but thanks for letting me know :smiley:

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