I am using data manager for the training purpose. I am not using any other OCR as the data manager gives me the error of “OCR Settings are preferred”. For Google Vision OCR, the key I have used is from the google cloud platform. and URL is of the same that is shown to me in GCP that is https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=innate-conquest-309208. Please also check the attached image for this.
Whenever I import my forms. It gives me the attached error (HTTP JSON Parser error).
I have also put JSON file which is coming from metadata of train extraction scope. It puts it into Not supported files.
Kindly guide me about this error. I have tried pdf jpg files but still, this issue persists.
The OCR URL is NOT the correct one. The OCR URL is something similar or equal to https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate