Error-msg: Split text file into multiple text files

Continuing the discussion from How to split one text file into multiple text files according to text content?:

Can anyone help on this error?
I have this error message below.
Is it because due to too many company names inside the text file?
Because I have 300 company names & when run the file, only 190 companies text files appeared.


Source: Write Text File

Message: One or more errors occurred.

Exception Type: System.AggregateException

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> System.NotSupportedException: The given path’s format is not supported. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)

  • at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)*
  • at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)*
  • at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)*
  • at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)*
  • at System.IO.File.InternalWriteAllText(String path, String contents, Encoding encoding, Boolean checkHost)*
  • at System.IO.File.WriteAllText(String path, String contents)*
  • at UiPath.Core.Activities.WriteTextFile.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.b__0()*
  • at UiPath.Core.Activities.Retry.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0()*
  • at UiPath.Core.Activities.Retry.Do[ResultType](Func`1 action, Int32 timeoutMS, Int32 retryCount)*
  • — End of inner exception stack trace —*
  • at UiPath.Core.Activities.TaskAsyncCodeActivity`1.EndExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, IAsyncResult result)*
  • at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.System.Activities.IAsyncCodeActivity.FinishExecution(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, IAsyncResult result)*
  • at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityData.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)*

Make sure everything is ok with your path in write text file activity. If you are using company names as a part of file name there is a risk that company contains some illegal characters ($,+,<,#,&,*,'," and many others)

Are there any ways to remove or replace those characters?




If you want to get some particular values from the text file, you can use Matches activity and frame the regex expression.
