Error Message: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'UiPath.Excel.ExcelValue' to 'UiPath.Excel.IReadRangeRef'


I am trying to extract cell contents from an Excel file, row-by-row and assign them to variables for use elsewhere. My Sequence is:

I designate a file in the Use Excel File container and reference as “Excel”, then

I understand that I am configuring the Range definition incorrectly but haven’t been able to find a reference that shows the options available and how to use them.

Can anyone point me to a reference that shows the options available and how to use them, as I run into similar problems from time-to-time and would like to be more self-sufficient?

Many thanks,


Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘UiPath.Excel.ExcelValue’ to ‘UiPath.Excel.IReadRangeRef’


Can you try as the following?


stRMANumber = CurrentRow.ByField("RMA Number").ToString
