Hi @dunglt, Thanks for reaching out!
Let me share some screenshots, I have 3 screenshots here, 1 shows my design process, 2 shows my Error, 3 shows my file (To which this error is connected).
1: I have nothing in my design, from last few days, no matter what I design(develop), this error shows up, I just have Open Browser activity which launches a website, but this error shows up, no matter what is design.
2: This is not related to anything I am using in my process, it is related to some Gradle file, I have no clue why that file is getting mentioned over here.
3: In one of my screenshots, I have mentioned the file which is connected to this error, it is highlighted in Yellow.
(There is a similar error and the conversation went on the Uipath forum, here is the link to that Erreur: Exception: invalid path '\\?\C:\User, I don’t understand the solution, they say shorten the path length or change the location of the file, Yes I can do that, but where shall I update what I changed? I have no clue.)