Error in uploading files on sftp server

Hello friends,
@rkelchuri, @Ninett_Panfir, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @Florent_Salendres, @vvaidya, @Palaniyappan, @ClaytonM, @vvaidya, @lakshman, @Dave

While uploading files on a sftp server I get the follownig error message:

RemoteException wrapping System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> RemoteException wrapping Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPermissionDeniedException: Permission denied

Can you help me?
I cannot solve the problem.

Kindly. Heck once whether we write access to that folder
Cheers @CamiCat

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Hello @Palaniyappan,

how tocheck that?
How manually?

@CamiCat I Guess uploading file is already opened please close and try.

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Hello @indra,

how to do that in UiPath?
Cami :slight_smile:

@CamiCat Manually close it and run the workflow.

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Hello @indra,

do you know this error?
RemoteException wrapping System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> RemoteException wrapping Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPermissionDeniedException: Permission denied
Thank you,

Hello CamiCat,

Even I am getting the same error. In my case I can not perform any activity (e.g Check file exists, download file,etc). The connection is successful but still facing the permission denied error. Kindly help.

Hi ,
I am also having the same error. while did the investigate with the source code. This is the below the real exception that I am getting. The download activity is working well. Only I have the issue with upload file activity.

Exception thrown: ‘Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPermissionDeniedException’ in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Permission denied

I have included @loginerror , @mircea , and @Pablito

Thank you

Hi @balupad14,
Are you able to provide an example screenshot of the process and issue that you have I would push it forward to our devs to check?

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Could you try with the latest beta version?

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