Error in 365 scope activity (pls help)

Guys please help me how to connect uipath with Onedrive. I already follow the instruction in this video UiPath - Microsoft Office365 Part1 - Setup and Files/Folders Activity - YouTube but it didnt work, it give me error like this

Hi @Kelvin1

Can you show the activity and what you passed.

And as per error in see the required access might not be there for you from aharepoint . Can you confirm that as well please


I use office 365 scope acitivty, and it give me error like this @Anil_G

Duplicate topic : Uploadfile : Code :notAllowed

Hi @Kelvin1

Please check with your sharepoint admin as it clearly states that the permissions are not there for you to create the folder

Do you have those permissions manually with the same credentials you used for the bot?

And if you want to create a folder x inside for y then you should have esit access on the folder containing y

Eg: subfolder1/sub2/test if folder needs to be created in sub2 then you must have esit access from subfolder1


All good guys, already solved. I just figured out about the URL, there is something wrong with the url that i input. Now all good

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