Error ERROR Validation Error Cannot access a disposed object

I am getting the below error while Automating the Script Using UiPath Studio Pro Community Version…Please guide me what to do…
Imp Note : it is a very Simple Peace of Code for reading data from .txt file
& Check data is Present or not

Error ERROR Validation Error Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: ‘b56a15e7-12ed-4a9d-a215-ae99f7b37805’. Main.xaml

Hi @Partha_Maity

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Could you try going to the package manager and updating the activity packages to the latest version (especially the System and UIAutomation ones)?


I am having the save pb. How do you know which specific activity package to update? There are multiple.

Typically, the System package and the UIAutomation package are the closest to Studio itself and will often fix the issues with new features.

Therefore, I would suggest trying to update these two first and see if it will fix the issue.

Also, we would appreciate a list of steps that lead to this error. We are trying to find the reliable reproduce steps for this bug to be able to fix it :slight_smile:

Will update in a second. It could just be that the packages needed updating because I follow step by the step the “for each” automation practice sequence for the “min & max”.

Thank you!

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Kindly, Tell to me how to copy my UI Path Code so that I can Copy & sent it to you, Otherwise if possible you can interact with Team-viewer…if Possible…

Hi @Partha_Maity

Have you tried the suggestion form above to update the UiAutomation activity package? :slight_smile:

You can do that from this menu:

Let us know if it fixed your issue.

Hi Sir,
Still I am Facing the Same Problem…On Post of Updation of 2 packages i.e., “System package
UIAutomation package” Still getting the Below 3 Errors…

  1. Main.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “FileContents”.
    Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘Boolean’ to ‘String’.

  2. Assets file has not changed. Skipping assets file writing. Path: C:\Users\PARTHA MAITY\Documents\UiPath\my-first-robot.local\AllDependencies.json

  3. No-Op restore. The cache will not be updated. Path: C:\Users\PARTHA MAITY\Documents\UiPath\my-first-robot.local\nuget.cache

Please have a look what to do…Can you Please Tell One more thing how can I copy the Source Code from the UI Path…So that I can show my Code too…

Hi @Partha_Maity

Could you try to perform a clean installation of your UiPath Studio?

Please refer to this topic:
How to fix your Studio installation / Licensing issues

Hi @Partha_Maity and everyone,

This should be fixed in the upcoming Community Edition 20.6 :slight_smile: