Error code 0xC00000FD

Hello, I am getting the following error when trying to run a project.
Individual activities seem to work fine, but when I click the debug button I receive the error message.

Error code 0xC00000FD can also occur in UiPath Studio when there is a stack overflow in the process being debugged. This can happen if the workflow is using too many recursive activities or if the workflow has a large number of variables and arguments that are being passed around.

Try the following steps:

  1. Reduce the number of recursive activities: If your workflow is using recursive activities, try to reduce the number of times they are being called or find alternative ways to achieve the same results.
  2. Try to use Excel activities instead of Workbook for your case.
  3. Try to use the Kill Process activity and specify “EXCEL” before interacting with your Excel file.
  4. Limit the number of variables: If your workflow has a large number of variables and arguments, try to limit the number of variables that are being used at any one time or consolidate variables where possible.
  5. Close Studio. Delete the packages folder from %USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages. When you will reopen the Studio project, the packages folder should be recreated and filled with the required dependencies.
  6. You may try to upgrade your Studio to 2022.10.7 from here
  7. Try to remove the unused variables, especially the jObj ones.

Hi, thanks for responding. I have tried the following:

  1. The workflow is made up mainly of CV activites.
  2. I am not using excel.
  3. I am not using excel.
  4. I am only using one variable.
  5. I tried updating/reinstalling the packages.
  6. My studio version is 2023.4.0
  7. I only use one variable.

Check this thread System.Exception: Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0xC00000FD - #4 by Naresh_Upadhyay

I had an experience where I got this error and could not get rid of it. With trial and error I discovered that I had simply too many calls to CV scope and CV click. It was a very long workflow with dozens of them. When I removed these calls to an “acceptable level”(?) it solved the issue. So if they are needed then you have to come up with some other automation to solve the same work problem if at all possible. This was my conclusion after lengthy trial and error.