How to resolve error BC32045: 'Collection' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments?
Issue Description:
The error "BC32045: 'Collection' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments" can occur when converting a project from Windows Legacy to Windows Compatibility.
Workaround #1: Open Studio in a different machine and try to convert it. This can help in cases where some variable do not get referenced correctly for a Specified Studio instance.
Workaround #2:
- Go to "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\UiPath\Logs" and find the more recent Studio log
- Find the error "BC32045: 'Collection' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments."
- It will have a XAML and a variable name also
- Open Studio
- Go to the specified XAML
- Find the referenced variable
- Change its type for any other one and save the project
- Change it back
- Try converting the project again.