In one of my automation, I am using the “Get Queue Items” UiPath Activity.
From that, I want to extract the number of new status items in the queue.
In DEV & UAT - It is running fine and returning the number of the queue items successfully. (Get Queue Item Activity’s Output.Count)
However, in the Production Environment - We are facing an error “Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array”
What we tried:
We upgraded & downgraded the UiPath.System.Activity version. but still facing issues.
Could you please help me to resolve this issue - If we need to downgrade then what will be the compatible version of that package? or any other better option available (except Orchestrator API call)?
First of all, thank you very much for your response. @Anil_G
I am using latest one 23.10.2 version and downgraded I used 23.4.3.
I can copy activity from DEV and paste into PROD. However, we are using control version tool Bitbucket. So, activity package will be same for all environment.
Monday I will verify with renaming .nuget folder name.
The activity package might be same…but when you run in prod the packages get downloded locally and aometimes if any of the packages are not downloded completely then you might see these differences so copying and renaming both are for same reason to let it download again or copy already downloaded once
Thank you for your help…The issue has been resolved now.
What we did to resolve the issue:
We downgraded the UiPath.System.Activity Package - Version 22.4.1 (Please Verify all activity will be available or not after downgrading the package - Mainly Get Asset & Credential activity)
Delete the All UiPath.System.Activity Package (inside C drive → User (robot account) → .nuget package) in PROD VM.