Sorry, I thought you had column figured out already.
So, basically you can use the same concept but instead use .IndexOf then convert that number to a character.
Convert.Char(dt1.Columns.IndexOf("SLI#")+65) // change 65 to 64 if it's off by 1
That will cover from A to Z though and if you need AA and on then it will be more complicated but I can provide that if needed.
I will also note that updating this table would be probably easier if you just used the data table from the Read Range, then use Write Range to update the file.
In that case, you could just simply use Assign row("SLI#") = newvalue
Since you’re entering multiple values in the last row, you might want to use the Add Data Row activity after using the Read Range activity to read the dataset into a datatable variable. Then you can use the ArrayRow property (in the Add Data Row activity) to create an array that will populate that last row.
@Lawrance_A Above statement will add values to first and second column. write the dataTable to dummy excel and check for the sliNum and gsbd strings. It will be present in your excel. for less values messages box is useful for large number of values it will be confusing, try write dataTable to excel and check the for those string.
If you want to write the values present in those variables remove double quotes.
Your right ! I have tried with write csv of DT its working fine data is entered in last empty row but why its not entering in my master sheet ? do i need to add any activity ?
@Lawrance_A Open excel sheet, Click on editing and try once. If such option comes for u. And also check for U have permision to edit that excel or not. If above options are working for you, uninstall and install again excel activities and try once.