hello, how to filter email based on keyword in content of body email? am it need to use regex? am i need to use split body?
Simple if you use Contains
While looping the mails, simply change the item type (Type argument ) to system.net.mail.mailmessage and use if condition to check the key word as
item.body.contains("word ")
[quotHello robot master, thank you for reply.
as you can see we cannot change the item.body.contains(“word”) to system.net.mail.mailmessage.Also, after email this, i’m going to send to directly reply to another email.
In the for each activity properties, if you see, you can change the type of item as in the screenshot. There if you change the type, you can get all the predefined classes of that particular type.
Then in the assign you can give as
already done, but the thing is it doesnt sending back the reply. can u pls check on my mistake sir? EMAIL TO EMAIL.xaml (67.1 KB)
I don’t find mistake in the workflow @f39b242a4f84ba555bd3,
Can you post the error you are getting?
Not getting any error. I’m not receiving the email.
Actually, it should be send back the email. But, my workflow doesnt send back the email after filtering the certain keywords in the bodymail.