Any issues with this Element exsist Activity ?? This actiivty is not working in any of my workflows. Things that worked previously also stopped . Any leads ?
What type of error it is giving can you provide more details so it will be better to understand.
it says element not found even though its present … Dynamic Selector is not working . attached the workflow for your reference .
GetTransactionData.xaml (14.7 KB)
Hi @xake5
Can You attach the Screenshot of Your Work flow. If You want To Know the Page Exist Or not on That Side then Indicate the arrow If That Arrow Exist then The next Page Is present otherwise There is no page Please Attach the screenshot of your workflow then it will be Better.
HI @xake5
Your element exists activity does not have a variable assigned to its output where it returns whether the element is available or not… I suppose you have to assign your pageExists variable here
Thanks for pointing out this . I fixed and tried again . Still getting a false .
Tried adding a delay to see if ACME Is taking time to load .
GetTransactionData.xaml (15.2 KB)
Hi @xake5
Your selection has a small mistake…
"<html title='ACME System 1 - Work Items' /><webctrl tag='LI' aaname=' "+in_TransactionNumber.ToString+" ' />"
Use this
"<html title='ACME System 1 - Work Items' /><webctrl tag='LI' aaname='"+in_TransactionNumber.ToString+"' />"
You have introduced space in front and at the end of aaname attribute value. That’s the reason for it to return false all the time. Removing the space as the one I shared above will fix it
If this works, please also make sure to mark my answer as the solution too
@xake5 I have Made Small Change In the selectors Of Element Exists Activity. so its working For me try to use this selector in Element Exists <webctrl aaname='"+in_TransactionNumber.ToString+"' tag='LI' />
GetTransactionData.xaml (16.1 KB)
Thanks for your help . !!
Thanks this worked for me
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