Editing Transactions in UiPath Orchestrator

Hello UiPath community,
I’m looking to gain a better understanding of editing transactions in UiPath Orchestrator for improved control and management. Can any provide insights into the key considerations and steps outlined in editing transactions in UiPath Orchestrator?

The process of editing transactions in UiPath Orchestrator involves the following key considerations and steps:

  1. Access the Transactions Page: Navigate to the Transactions page within UiPath Orchestrator to view the list of transactions associated with your processes.
  2. Locate the Desired Transaction: Identify the specific transaction you want to edit from the list. Transactions can be filtered based on various parameters, such as status or priority.
  3. Initiate Edit Mode: Click on the transaction you wish to edit, and then click on the “Edit” button to enter edit mode. This allows you to modify the transaction details.
  4. Update Transaction Information: Edit the relevant information for the transaction, such as input/output data, priority, or any custom fields. Ensure that the changes align with the requirements of your automation process.
  5. Review and Confirm Changes: Review the changes you’ve made to the transaction and confirm that the updated information is accurate. Take note of any additional fields or settings that may impact the transaction’s execution.
  6. Save Changes: Once you’re satisfied with the modifications, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes to the transaction. The edited transaction will now reflect the updated information.
  7. Verify Updated Transaction Status: After saving the changes, verify the updated status of the transaction. Ensure that any modifications made align with the intended changes in your automation workflow.

By following these steps, you can effectively edit transactions in UiPath Orchestrator, allowing you to tailor transaction details to match the evolving requirements of your automation processes.

Happy Automation !

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