My scenario was: I downgraded Edge browser on the remote server and UiPath extension on it got disabled. I wanted to enable it, but once I clicked to turn it on, it just disappeared from extensions list.
I then used UiPath studio installer to try to get the extension back. It didn’t work.
As this was a remote server, I ran Command line as an Administrator and tried to uninstall edge extension from it (for all users) and install it back (for all users). It didn’t work - the extension did not appear on the Edge extensions list.
Eventually I ran Command line as a standard user (not as an Administrator) with the below commands (one after another):
c:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiPath>SetupExtensions.exe /edgeglobal /uninstall
c:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiPath>SetupExtensions.exe /edgeglobal
And the extension appeared in Edge. The only thing was, that each user that signs in to the remote server, needed to activate the extension on their profile.
I hope this helps somebody.