Easy way to dump data table into google sheets?

I’m playing with Integration Service for Google workspace and I don’t see an activity to write a data table from memory into a google sheet. Excel has such an activity. Is there an easy way to do it? Or must I loop through each row, read, and write it onto sheet row by row? The activity “Write Range” only has a prop “What to write”, how to tell it to write the whole data table which I have stored in a variable dtTest?


You have write range activity where you can give a datatable


When I tried that, by putting my data table variable in the ‘What to write’ field I get an error:
Write Range you must provide a value for


Can you please expand locals panel and expand the exception details from there?


Aha! It seems that the activity doesn’t read the ranges (the sheet names) easily. There’s a little trick to this. First, the sheet name must exist, it won’t be created on the fly. Second, there’s a little drop down (the plus sign) on the ‘Range’ field that says “Update ranges”, which will go back to the spreadsheet and import the sheet names again.
Good to know.
Thanks for your help.

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