Dynamic iframe id

I am using UIpath studio v2020.10.4. I am automating a SAPWEB UI process. Each time a new iframe id is generating which causing a lot of issue. Below are the selectors for one of the element where iFrameID is keeps changing every time. I am using chrome browser. Removing <> sign to appear as plain text.

html app='chrome.exe' htmlwindowname='WID1623397739410' title='Start Page' />
webctrl id='iFrameId_1623397739414' tag='IFRAME' /
webctrl id='WDBE' tag='DIV' /
html app='chrome.exe' htmlwindowname='WID1623397739410' title='Start Page' /
webctrl id='iFrameId_1623398112377' tag='IFRAME' /
webctrl id='WDBE' tag='DIV' /

you can use 「*」 in your selector.

please use the </> format button from editor for sharing the selector. We cannot refer to the snippet. Thanks

I tried but didn’t work.

my selector with aaname and parent id is below

<html app='chrome.exe' htmlwindowname='WID1623728825708' title='Start Page' />
<webctrl id='iFrameId_1623728825713' tag='IFRAME' />
<webctrl aaname=' Requisition Manager Days Since Release New Application Pre Sele*' aria-role='presentation' css-selector='body&gt;table' tag='TABLE' />
<webctrl id='WDBE' tag='DIV' parentid='WDBE-r' />

Can you suggest what to change in above selector?


try to use this selector.

<html app='chrome.exe' htmlwindowname='WID*' title='Start Page' />
<webctrl id='iFrameId_*' tag='IFRAME' />
<webctrl aaname=' Requisition Manager Days Since Release New Application Pre Sele*' aria-role='presentation' css-selector='body&gt;table' tag='TABLE' />
<webctrl id='WDBE' tag='DIV' parentid='WDBE-r' />

Hi @lojyehuang ,

It worked thanks, so basically to replace dynamic numbers with * .

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