Dynamic Html to Word Document


Is there is any other way to get the dynamic HTML output into a word document ?

Like inside the word document Insert menu >> Object >> Text from file
Is there is any other way to get this done ?


Yes, you can use Word Application Scope + Set Bookmark Content :

So first get your dynamic HTML content then you can directly include the content inside your word document.

Thanks for the reply. Would like to know how to pass that dynamic content that is generated via html from uipath to word document.

Ok, first check how to get dynamic content from html :

Then use matches to prepare it, the following example might help you :

And then use the bookmark to put the extracted content on your word page :

Follow the steps and you will be able to solve your problem !! :slight_smile:

Ok, Damien, thanks for the info i will perform this and let you know.

Would like to know how to pass values present inside a Data Table into a word document?


You have to loop through your DataTable (using foreach loop) and use the bookmarks to write in the word file.