Have one drop down in salesforce to select product with same values but in upper case or lower case or in proper case like KEYBOARD, MOUSE, cpu, monitor
select item gives error as the selected product is not exactly same in salesforce dropdown
Type into activity does not work sometimes.
Is there any other suggestion programatically to match with the product values in drop down?
in order to get drop down list items dynamically, you should youse find children activity, so suppose if selct item list will change it will take dynamically
@siddharth. Thank you. Yes, exactly did the same. Clicked on the drop down and used select item and input is the variable “product” which has value Switch data but the one in drop down has value SWITCH DATA. and another is like Opensystem RCE but the product value is OPENsystem rce
Since your values could be in Capitals as well, before you make the selection (using select item OR click) check if that item exists using element exists, and in the selector, use your variable value(say Switch data). If it doesn’t exist, convert your variable value to upper case and make another check to see if the Uppercase product value exists. If it does, use select item/ click.
One more thing I suggest you try. Use find children once on the drop down list, just like @aditya.prakash said. If you can extract all values of the drop down, convert those and your variable values to a specific case (say lowercase) and compare. If the values match, you can select that particular item USING the value of the drop down that you extracted using find children.
Hi @siddharth. and @aditya.prakash I am able to get the values using find childrenactivity. How to build a datatable by including the dropdown values so that I can use linq to extract. Just want to try this way as I don’t know how to build our own datatable dynamically.
Build data table only accepts the values enter. I want to save the dropdown values received using find children activity to a datatable. I am able to get the values using Generate datatable activity but when i use write range activity to put in excel only last value gets typed in. Not sure what to use in column separator.
I am comparing actually using value so final value for selected item comes as “SWITHCDATA 8771” but actually in drop down it is Switchdata 8771. How to get the value of the element saved inside value
Retrieved all the dropdown values using “value” tag and added to a collection
Compare each value in collection to the value retrieved from some other application
If the value matches passing that to select item.
It is working almost but just found the above two elements did not get select coz i am comparing the value =“SWITCH DATA” but want to get the actual element inside i.e switch data