Drag and drop functionality to create windows forms activities

This idea\suggestion is basically for front end automation where windows forms are used for user input, output display, status progress bar etc.
For example troubleshoot activity automation where user intervention is often required.

Note: Forms can be created using invoke code or calling exe built by c#\Vb.net . This idea is basically for folks who are not much experienced in building Vb.net\C#.net applications.
Drag and drop windows control would be relatively easy to use.

Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to our internal ideas tracker for our team to consider.

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Please see Uipath.form.activities package for Studio (launched in 2019), which should resolve this issue. Documentation is available at: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/form-activity. Please let us know if you have additional questions. Thanks!

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