Download attachments from amazon s3 Buckets

Hi all,

I want to download attachments (can be image file, pdf or txt) from amazon s3 Buckets. I got a code for uploading file( Thanks to @Arjun1 ), but I am stuck at downloading the attachments. If anyone has previously worked on this, it will be a great help for me.

Thanks in advance.


Hello Athira,

If you already have the code to upload, it shouldn’t take much effort to download.
Here is some good documentation from amazon: Downloading an object - Amazon Simple Storage Service

If you share the way that you use for upload, I can provide some guidance.

This is the vb code I used to upload files to aws.
Steps to upload pdf files on amazon s3.pdf (77.2 KB)

Thanks in Advance.

Hi Athira,

I’m facing issues while downloading files from S3 bucket, were you able to fix the issue that you have faced before? If so can you please help me with the solution?

Thank you,

Did any solution get for the above request ? if yes, please upload xaml file on forum.

Thanks in advance