In my StudioX version, I don’t have Download activities, but it also works only issue is It only go to download folder which I can not change, and I have to add 4s delay to download the excel correctly for each month.
Is the StudioX version issue for the Download activities?
StudioX 2020.10.0 - 10/13/2020
Community License
EXE Installer
License Provider: Internal
Activation ID: UIP-13de9d2474
Update Channel: Stable
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
.NET Framework Version 4.7.2
In StudioX we have the “Wait for download” activity which as the name implies handles the download of a file. – there is a difference i the naming (we kinda changed activity names a bit l8ghtly and we did not manage to update all the docs ) but it’s the same activity
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Thank you very much! Dragos.
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