Could you explain to me how I downgrade UiPath studio?
My current version is 23.10.0, how do I change the version?
Could you explain to me how I downgrade UiPath studio?
My current version is 23.10.0, how do I change the version?
If you head to the home page of the automation cloud https://cloud.uipath.com/ and open the drop down by clicking the help icon there will be a “Downloads” link. Then you can select “Other versions” under Enterprise, or Community, whichever you use.
When you download, always download Studio Cloud, is that correct? Look:
I believe you would uninstall your current version and then execute this installer and it will ask you which applications you want to install.
That is correct, the file name is the same your’ve shared above, but the version in that file is the one that your picked from the orchestrator.
Can I upload projects that were developed in Studio in a different version of Orchestrator to Orchestrator? For example, say that my Studio project is at version 23.10.0 and Orchetrator is at a lower or higher version
You can update projects as long as the studio and activities version is lower than the orchestrator version, since if it is a larger version you will have problems when carrying out executions like the following:
To avoid this, just make sure that the versions to upload are smaller than the orchestrator version.
can you help me? In the image below, is my current version or the one available for update?
If it is an update, how do I see my current version of Orchestrator?
Hi, please check below post to downgrade UiPath studio.
How to download an older, specific version of UiPath Studio (theserverside.com)