In a excel file,if the particular column contains blanks then I have to send mail to particular person
how to put the condition
Read Range (output: dtExcelData)
For Each Row (input: dtExcelData)
If (Condition: String.IsNullOrEmpty(row("ColumnName").ToString)
Send Outlook Mail Message or Send SMTP Mail Message
Hope it helps!!
Take for each excel row activity to iterate the each row in the excel.
Inside for each excel row activity insert the If condition to check the column is Empty or not.
String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow("Column name").ToString) and String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentRow("Column name").ToString)
Inside Then block in If condition insert the Send outlook mail message or send email activity to send the mail.
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!
Note that this might result in lots of spam, if there are blanks in many rows. It might be a good idea to add a Break activity after sending the email to stop the loop.
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