I have a column(“Date”) in Excel with some Dates
I read this Excel as Data Table by Uipath
I created an Assign with:
DayNow =
DateTime.Now.AddDays(+0).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy 00:00:00”)
And I made the following logic.
if CurrentRow(“Date”).ToString <= DayNow
So, if the Excel Date is Less than or Equal to today, it will return some specific value in another column.
Example: If the date is less than today = CRITICAL
else : WARNING
However, when I run the IF, the logic understands today and does the right procedure, but in the case of changing the year like: 2021, 2023 and others, the logic does not work
My doubt is, do I have to take the Excel column(“Date”) and transform a datetime to be able to make this comparison between dates and years?