Hi. As we are aware, there are some exhcange mail activities in UiPath.Mail.Activities package. I want to know how these activities work? Are they using Exchange Web Services? What kind of authentication mechanism is used by these activities? I’ve heard that microsoft is disabling basic authentication in the near future and they’re introducing modern authenticaton to connect to exchange online. Is UiPath going to update mail activities package to handle this authentication?
I’m pretty sure core activities are updated as soon as there is a new change to any of the services that they interact with.
Besides that, according to the official documentation of these activities, you can switch between multiple authentication types as you can see here under the Office365 section:
Ok. Thanks for that. So you mean that these activities are using exchange web services. Am I right?
I believe so but there is no source code available to check this as far as I’m concerned so I cannot say for sure.
Ok. Thank you