Does anyone use UiPath with SAP report and stuck with

Hello , I have a problem.

SAP Report that develop with SE38 is contain data in pattern usr/lbl[x,y] (not use variable or scrope tag)

How can I get data with no position?


I had the same issue in the past and didn’t find any idea how to get around it. If anyone has a solution I would be pleased.

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Hi @ota_no1,

Please click Open in UI Explorer. Are there other attributes values, could you share screen of UI Explorer. To help you better, please help me understand what you meant by “get data with no position” ?


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Dear GreenTea, in UI Explorer like this

Hi @ota_no1,

Thanks, I can see t-code SE38 for SAPMSSY0. What is the result you want to achieve - what do you meant by - How can I get data with no position ?

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Dear GreenTea , I mean that every data input show in report different row
such as
round 1 : input Part A → “Price of Part A” show in usr/lbl[10,15]
round 2 : input Part B → “Price of Part B” show in usr/lbl[20,15]

It’s not stable with old position.

How can I config my RPA?

Thank you

Hi @ota_no1,

To get a stable selector would require a trial and error technique. I will explain the trial and error technique so that you will understand how to apply it to your scenario.


  1. start first UiExplorer and select first row, column X
  2. start second UiExplorer and select second row, same column X
  3. optional - start third UiExplorer and select third row, same column X

the objective is to find similarities and differences between the two or more selectors for the same column but different rows.

So… from the example you just provided, 10 and 20 is different, it means the third selector can 30… I can begin to generalized the selector as

sap id=‘usr/lbl/[{{rowNumber}},15]’ where rowNumber is a variable.

Using Assign activity:
rowNumber = ((index + 1) x 10).ToString
When selector is on row 1 or index 0 then rowNumber gives 10
When selector is on row 2 or index 1 then rowNumber gives 20

You can apply the same trial and error technique for another/different column and get the stable selector by changing column X to your desired column.

So you will get the revised selector as
sap id=‘usr/lbl/[{{rowNumber}},{{colNumber}}]’ where rowNumber and columnNumber are variables

To test, you could use Highlight activity with the revised selector. Place the Assign and Highlight activities inside For Each activity with index values from 1 (Of Int32) to any number you desired.

Note: please click here to see an example of dynamic selector or simply search the forum “dynamic selectors”


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