Hi Folks,
I am trying Connecting UiPath with Oracle
1.I have Downloaded the client of the same version as Oracle DB. (In this case, it was
2. Installed InstantClient.
3. Created a tnsnames.ora file with the following data:
(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=10.x x.xxx)(PORT=1521))
4. Placed the tnsnames.ora file under the instant client folder
5. Created an environment variable TNS_ADMIN with the value instant folder name
6. Open ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) from the Start Menu.
7. From the User DSN tab, clicked on Add.
8. From the data sources, I selected Oracle in OraClient12Home3_32bit. (Which have been created automatically)
Given the TNS Service and username and password as given in the TNSnames.ora but it showing the following error
Thanks in advance