Dividing Orchestrator into a test environment and prod environment. Mission impossible?

Hi guys!

I’m struggling to crack the code for how my developers can test their processes in orchestrator (production orchestrator) (without having to deploy), but still not mix the data with what’s already published and running.

This is what I have tried:

Modern folders; but adding the assets to the new folder, it fails saying that it cant read my assets. Any guides on this? (I have read the "how to organize your orchestrator in here).
I have added the correct user and I have added the machine template in the Tenant->Folders.
But nothing else? What am I missing? :frowning:

Test-orchestrator Yes, I have that. But it seems like you need an unattended licens to use it. I have a non production licens, but this does not help as far as I understand? I mean, it is not possible to use test-orchestrator with a non production licens, acting the same way as an unattended robot working with assets and queues?

Personal workspace It seems like it has the same setup as the modern folder, which does not work for me.

So, here is my question:

HOW DO you guys divide your test and prod in one orchestrator? I simply cant figure this one out :frowning: :frowning: :worried:

ensure that studio is set to the right folder / feed:

Can you point out where that feature is Peter? :slight_smile:

Studio bottom right. Which version are you using

Okay I have found the folder setting in studio, but I cant choose the folder that I would like to use. How to enable the robot to use another folder? Thank you so much for the input Peter :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ensure the account has access permission to the folder
Orchestratror - Select Tenant -Select folder - check Permissions / Add user or group

Why not set up a second Orchestrator server as your test environment? This is safer and more efficient and avoids mixing things together (libraries, etc)

All your developers should be connected to the test Orchestrator, and never to prod Orchestrator. All publishing and testing is against the test Orchestrator server. When ready to move to production, just download the package from test Orchestrator and manually upload it to prod Orchestrator.

I have given the user access permission to the folder.
Could it be because I have the assets in a classic folder and the new folder I am trying to enable assets in, is in a modern folder?

That was my intention when buying test orchestrator. Men I only have a non-production licens to the test-orchestrator.
So to use the test-orchestrator, I should move the dev licens from prod orche to the test orchestrator? :worried: